Shelter Puppy And Her Sister Hug Each Other For Comfort After Being Rescued

When Jane MacMurchy, director of operations for Animal Charity of Ohio, received a call reporting a family of dogs in need of help, she came to rescue the poor animals, writes pets-tms

When she arrived at the address, she found a 7-year-old mother and her two 5-month-old puppies living in t.e.r.i.b.l.e. conditions. They were living in a makeshift pen and were completely unsocialized.

It was clear that they were not being cared for by their owners and had to fend for themselves.

After hours of persuasion, the owners agreed to release the two puppies Peaches and Layla and their mother Lady to the rescuers. The family’s dog was quickly taken to the shelter and examined by veterinarians.

It was clear that they were not being cared for by their owners and had to fend for themselves.

After hours of persuasion, the owners agreed to release the two puppies Peaches and Layla and their mother Lady to the rescuers. The family’s dog was quickly taken to the shelter and examined by veterinarians.

Today, the little family lives together at the shelter, where they receive the medical care and socialization they desperately need. The staff tries to give them time several times a day to relax and learn to trust.

“Lady is a little sweetheart who wags her tail and wags her butt and is just happy to receive affection,” MacMurchy said. “Puppies aren’t there yet. They accept love and affection, they’re wagging and happy when they’re together, and they lean on each other for trust. They are extremely dependent on each other,” added MacMurchy.

When Peaches and Layla are ready to be adopted, we hope they will go to a home together. There, they will not only receive hugs from each other but also the love of their family.

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