Reporter Goes To Shelter To Do A Story, Dog Hugs Him Tight Till He Adopts Her

Animal shelters all over the world are filled with dogs who would do anything to be adopted and have a loving family of their own.

When a reporter went to an animal shelter to do a story on the dogs there, one of them made herself known.

She jumped up on the reporter and began hugging him and wouldn’t let go. Although it was the dog who had to be adopted, it was the dog who seemingly adopted the reporter!

The best part of the story is that the reporter decided to go home with a new best friend!

After experiencing this heartwarming moment, he knew he couldn’t leave the shelter without the loving dog.

He had no idea that he would go to the shelter to report a story and end up adopting a new dog. It was definitely meant to be!

The heartfelt moment was captured on video, which you can watch below.

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